Commercial Photography and Its Elements

Commercial Photography

commercial corporate photography

Commercial photography makes particularly high demands on the technical quality of the photos. Designed for use commercial photographers often serve as the face of some of the goods or services in a manner of its progress, they are often printed in large format. Not surprisingly, the companies that are customers of photos, want to buy a product of the highest quality, they are not interested in the difficulties encountered by the photographer during shooting, the details of computer processing, etc. things, most importantly – an excellent result.

In this article, we will go just on the technical side of photography without analyzing the ideas, artistry, composition, etc. In addition to the above object, “like the customer” strict technical control of photos and has another useful function: it disciplines the commercial photographer. Initially, realizing that there is a quality standard in the future much easier to improve their skills, breaking some of the principles, creating more unusual things.

The other path: initial neglect of the technical quality of photos, based on the fact that, for example, the artistic “pull” is very dangerous because it often leads to the uncontrolled and unjustified use of any techniques and effects. Ideally, artistic beauty photos to be combined with its excellent technical quality.

Since most of the today’s photographers work with digital cameras, the article discusses is digital photography. Among digital cameras have completely different device classes: cost from hundreds of dollars to tens of thousands. It is no secret that the best choice for most photographers, engaged in commercial photography, a digital SLR (SLR) camera. Therefore, this article will be considered the most universal, fully accessible and provide images of a very decent quality digital SLR camera.

Thus, more explicitly in the name, you can add “for digital SLR cameras.” However, the quality of photos produced by the best modern models of SLR cameras, ideally suited for the majority of both spectators and shoppers, so the presented material is quite versatile.


Shooting conditions significantly affect the quality of the photos. Commercial photography is much more controllable, held in the photographer-friendly and suitable conditions for the camera, so to studio photography requirements detailed above, than in photos on the street. With rare exceptions, the photograph must always be some central semantic part, traced lens with good detail. For portrait photography usually is the main detail of the face and eyes, for landscapes finest detail across the frame and at a great depth of field. The quality of the lens used is the most important factor in good detail of the image.


Home semantic part of the image almost always has to be in focus, except only complicated cases, when the author conceived specifically focus shifted. Such cases of non-standard treatment with the focus must be on 100% justified ideologically, compositionally. If not enough detail can sometimes be corrected by image processing on the computer, it is not proper to focus is usually correct as any offset is not possible.


Under the artifacts commonly understood quite a wide range of micro-defects of the image. In a way, noise can also be attributed to artifacts. Typically the objects appearing in difficult recording conditions or not the proper setup of the camera. Artifacts are considerably enhanced, not correct or excessive computer processing.


The importance of proper lighting’s hard to overestimate – it is one of the most important components of a good photo. Detracting from the artistic part of the light, we must say that one should avoid overly bright (with broken white flowers) or too dark (with broken black) images. Except when it is 100% justified artistic ideas. Shooting in high or low key, of course, it shifts the balance of brightness of the image, but it must be thought out effect.

commercial corporate photography

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Pankaj Aneja

A Photographer, Cameraman, and Editor passionately creating amazing visuals to support Corporates & Industrial Sectors in transforming their business with perfect presentations. 

serving since 2003 with his amazing shooting style for Photography & Video Production Services.

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